A Great Place to Live in Fort Worth, TX

A Homeowners Association Committed to Neighborhood Improvement

Neighborhood Association for Over 30 Years

A Dedicated Neighborhood Association in Park Glen, Fort Worth, TX

The goal of Park Glen Neighborhood Association (PGNA) is to improve property values and foster the welfare and enjoyment of Park Glen homeowners and residents by:
  • Representing, helping, and engaging homeowners and residents.
  • Pursuing adherence to restrictive covenants and community standards.
  • Planning and implementing beneficial events and programs.
  • Effectively communicating between homeowners, residents, and the Association.
  • Collecting assessments and charges and making appropriate payments and disbursements.
  • Ensuring effective, transparent, and accountable operation of the Association.

You may contact us with any questions.

Vote in Election & Annual Meeting

Current Information

  NEXT MEETING: January 30, 2025 at 5 pmAgenda




Preventing Migratory Bird Rookeries in Park Glen

Each year, migratory birds such as egrets and herons return to Park Glen looking for nesting sites. While these birds are a natural part of our ecosystem, their presence in residential areas can lead to noise, odor, and property damage. Once they establish a rookery and begin laying eggs, federal law prohibits disturbing them. This means homeowners must act to prevent nesting.

What Homeowners Can Do
Prepare Your Property
Remove old nests from trees to discourage birds from returning.
Trim tree canopies to let in sunlight and reduce nesting opportunities.
Coordinate with your neighbors to ensure a neighborhood-wide effort.

Watch for Early Signs
Look for sentry birds, the first arrivals scouting for nesting locations.
Report sightings to neighbors and take action immediately.
Use deterrents such as noisemakers, bright lights at night, and water sprays to discourage roosting.
Use tennis balls or long poles to remove early nesting materials before eggs are laid.

Community Action is Key
Preventing a rookery requires a collective effort. Share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to take preventative measures. If birds establish a rookery, residents must wait until migration season ends in the fall before taking action again.

If you have any of these migratory birds in your trees, please contact Animal Control at 817-392-1234, so that they can help with the situation.

For more information, visit: Fort Worth’s Migratory Birds Page

Let’s work together to keep our community clean and peaceful!

On June 20, 2023, the PGNA Board adopted a Policy on Leasing and Short Term Rentals (Enforcement).  See Policy here.

Any questions please contact our Community Management Company, NMI: Monday – Thursday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and on Friday 8:30 am – 3:00 pm, by phone at 972-359-1548, or by e-mail at Customercare@nmitx.com  (please state you are in Park Glen).

Call 811

Information on Mailbox Clusters

As you may know, many homeowners are required to maintain their mailbox clusters throughout the community but have failed to do so. Accordingly, the Association will continue to use Association funds, at no additional cost to the owners, to make repairs to the mailbox clusters. The Association will be looking at mailbox clusters that are leaning more than 5 degrees or more, or have missing and/or cracked or broken bricks, or in which the structural integrity is significantly damaged. If you have any questions, please contact PGNA Board President Alvin Donohue at PGNAalvin@gmail.com.

See the June/July 2024 newsletter here

(click on the hyperlinks for details)

The week beginning the second Monday of every month is when Park Glen’s bulk trash is picked up. Please keep your bulk trash in your garage or backyard until then or, at the earliest, the Saturday before. Every Monday, waste collection crews come to take up recycling, yard waste, and household garbage.

Visit the Fort Worth, TX Government Garbage and Recycling page for the full details, schedule, and process on how to download the city’s smartphone app. Residents of Park Glen may report a solid waste violation to the city online or by calling (817) 392-1234.

Download the MyFW app for your phone or tablet to report issues to the city (such as graffiti and potholes), upload pictures, track the status of requests, and get quick access to the city’s website and services. Download for iPhone or Android.

Park Glen’s fiscal year runs from October 1 to September 30. Shortly after October 1, statements for yearly dues will be sent out via U.S. Mail. Payment of the annual assessment amount and any prior outstanding sums will be considered late if not made by November 1st.

The payment address and instructions from our management company, NMI, are seen here.
Contact our community manager with questions about your bill or balance.

Feel free to contact Concrete Construction Company (CCC) at 817-247-2240 to get an estimate. Leave your name and number for Greg Gilbert, owner, to call you back. CCC will be starting PGNA’s Sidewalk Project #4 shortly after Nov. 3rd and since they will be in Park Glen, you may be able to save.

811 Call to Dig

Call 811, before you dig, to locate underground utilities