Park Glen Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCRs) and Maps

Here, you can view the CCRs and maps for each specific part of Park Glen. Check out the Park Glen Property Lookup to look up your address and find which CCR document applies to you. Click here for the map of the villages of Park Glen. Also, be sure to read the community-wide Community-wide CCR bulletins and policies for all homeowners and view the Park Glen Phase 2 Master Association Declaration,  and Amendment to Declaration. Contact us with any questions about them.

Top Tips to Avoid Deed Restriction Violations

  •  Approval is required before doing most external property modifications, additions, improvements, replacements, or landscaping changes.
  • Your trash and recycling carts must be stored in your backyard behind your fence or in your garage except for the 24 hours they are at the curb each week.
  • Partial fences (a fence segment where either or both ends are not connected to the home or the main fence) and lattice are not allowed.
  • Fences of different heights may not intersect or adjoin, whether on one property or between adjoining properties.  Where there would be a height mismatch, it is necessary to taper fence heights over a 10-foot distance so that all fences are the same height at any intersection or connection.
  • All storage sheds require approval.  There are limitations on sizes, styles, and locations of sheds.
  • Keep your fences, retaining walls, garage doors, and house maintained.
  • If a part of your home is less than attractive because it needs painting, request approval of the color (even if the same color) and have it repainted.
  • Bulk trash may be placed at the curb only a day or two prior to the 2nd Monday of each month.  The city never picks up plastic bags outside of trash carts, regardless of the contents, even on the bulk pickup day.
  • Window air conditioning or ventilation units are not allowed.
  • Your yard does not have to be gorgeous, but it should have grass and be consistently mowed, trimmed, and edged.  Shrubs should be trimmed to be neat and attractive.  Low tree branches over streets and sidewalks should be trimmed.
  • There are requirements for number of trees, and approval is required before removing trees.  Tree stumps must be ground down or removed.  Tree wells without a tree must be removed or have a tree planted in them.
  • Portable basketball goals may not be kept in or near the street.
  • Boats, trailers, and RV’s may not be stored in or visible from the street.  Vehicles may never be parked in the grass.
  • Vehicles that are inoperable, undriveable, unlicensed, or under repair may be kept only in the garage.