Get Connected with Park Glen

The official Park Glen Neighborhood Association Facebook page is at This is the Association’s Facebook link to provide news of events and other important information.
The “Park Glen Neighborhood Neighbors” Facebook page, at, is a forum for residents and homeowners to share information with each other.
Many Park Glen homeowners interact with each other on, though the HOA does not generally communicate through this site.
Sign up here to receive e-mail alerts from the association.
Read the current community newsletter and past issues here.
The "Park Glen Neighborhood Watch" Facebook page, at, is a forum to post and read about safety and crime-related issues in the Park Glen area.
The "Park Glen Area Lost and Found Pets" Facebook page ( is dedicated to reuniting lost pets with their owners.
The "Park Glen Area Buy/Sell/Trade" Facebook page, at, connects buyers and sellers of second-hand items.
Visit (this website) regularly to keep up to date.