Please use this form to volunteer or find out more about volunteer opportunities in Park Glen
We are always on the lookout for volunteers!! Here is a list of areas where you can volunteer your time and serve your community.
Activities & Events - Help put on the communities' annual events (Turkey Trot, Holiday in the Park, Easter Eggstravaganza & Spring Festival, July 4th Parade, and others). We especially need volunteers to coordinate entire events or parts of events, but there are opportunities to just help at events.
Judges for Decorating Contests (Halloween / Harvest, Christmas / Holiday, etc.) or Yard of the Month - You can help select yard of the month or Christmas decorating winners in one or two of the Park Glen villages other than your own.
Help Maintain the PGNA Website - Update the content on this website per direction you would be given.
Architectural Control Committee - This committee reviews requests from homeowners for home improvements in accordance with the requirements of the deed restrictions. This group helps protect our investments in our property.
Hospitality Committee - Visit and welcome each new homeowner, delivering a welcome gift.
Service Committee - Join a network of volunteer neighbors who will assist other neighbors as the need arises. For example, an elderly couple who is unable to get their yard cleaned up one week and need some help, we would like to be able to call some folks to help get that yard done for them. This committee could also coordinate other community service projects. To be reactivated, this committee needs a chairperson.
Development Committee – Duties to include keeping the neighborhood informed of businesses moving to or from the neighborhood, construction, etc
Host a Block Party - We need volunteers to put together a block party on your street for the annual "National Night Out" (first Tuesday in October) or any other time throughout the year. We'll provide guidance and ideas to help you bring your neighbors together to make your part of Park Glen safer and friendlier.
Communications Committee - Gather information, write articles for the monthly newsletter, and/or post on social media and the Park Glen website.
Newsletter Editor - Compile provided articles and material into a monthly newsletter file for publication on our website. Requires good understanding of Microsoft Publisher or another good newsletter publishing program.
Sign Distribution & Pick Up around the Neighborhood - Will you be part of a rotation of volunteers who give an hour or two per month to distribute or pick up signs that we put up around the neighborhood to promote events and programs?
PID6 Liaison - Represent Park Glen at PID6 meetings.
Citizens on Patrol (Code Blue) - Volunteers work directly with the Fort Worth Police Department and act as additional sets of ears and eyes for the police. Requires training.
Crime Watch Block Captains - Coordinate and mobilize your neighbors to look out for crime and keep watch for each other. Requires training from the Fort Worth Police.
Scholarship Selection Committee - Must be Park Glen homeowners who are unlikely to have an acquaintance with a potential scholarship applicant. It is desirable for committee members to have some insight into high school or college academics and/or activities, through either personal or a child’s experiences.
Set Up and Take Down Audio Visual Equipment at Pool/Movie nights three or four Saturdays in the Summer and possibly other times.
Help Judge Decorated Bicycles and Other Children's Vehicles at the Annual Independence Day Parade.
Serve on the Board if a vacancy arises, or run for the Board during an Annual Election.
There are lots of opportunities for you to be active in Park Glen, and we could sure use your help! If you are interested in being involved in the neighborhood please come to the next Board meeting or send us a message using the form to the left on this page.